Friday 1 February 2013

Hettford Witch Hunt: Series One [Kindle Edition]

Hettford Witch Hunt: Series One

"With subtle humor and a charming regional voice, James Rhodes cleverly crafts a story of vengeance, mystery and witchcraft. Deftly weaving the ordinary and supernatural Rhodes leads readers along a path strewn with dreary workaday details offset by exciting glimpses of an otherworld that threatens to destroy the safety of the mundane."

- Kirsten Imani Kasai, Author: Ice Song, Tattoo, Del Rey Books

Imagine if Buffy the Vampire Slayer were the sort of overweight middle aged man that drank real ale and went for long countryside walks. With a slick sitcom format this novel is a must have for fans of paranormal comedy.

In the Eighteenth Century two sisters were convicted of witchcraft in Hettford village and their spirits continue to be a menace to the local community. The Hettford Witch Hunt is dedicated to destroying this threat. Nobody may believe them, nobody may reward them and they might not ever accomplish very much but nonetheless they remain devoted to their cause.

This is a collection contains all six episodes of Series One of the occult sitcom Hettford Witch Hunt. Plus the bonus Christmas episode: The Spirit of the Holly.