Tuesday 11 December 2012

The Treasure of Treasures - Part 1 Ye Black Rock

The Treasure of Treasures is a childrens adventure following Hector Hornsmith and his Diary, in which he records his adventures searching for the Treasure of all Treasures under the command of his good friend Captain John Gray. Hector Hornsmith speaks of his adventures with his good friend Captain John Gray & his Pirate Crew during the late 18th Century. They are the thorn in the side of King George III & Lord Captain James Vernon and his Royal Naval crew aboard the Barfleur. Hector Hornsmith was born in Portishead which was a small fishing hamlet on the West Coast of Britain. Always one with big ideas and a quest for knowledge, he left the shores of Britain and sailed across the ocean to Tortuga where he me Captain John Gray and became best of friends as well as treasure seeking Pirates. Hector and Captain John Gray find their way to the North West Coast when being pursued by the Ryal Naval ship The Barfleur with its Captain, Lord Captain James Vernon a former Slave Trader who has been ordered by HRH King George III to capture them at all costs. Captain John Gray and his crew Hide out at Mother Redcaps on Ye Black Rock when they are not at sea which is an Inn and has a network of tunnels running below in several directions filled with treasure rooms, living and sleeping quarters. Captain John Gray has been in search for the biggest treasure find which will allow him to retire from being a pirate and live happily with his Beloved Polly (Mother Redcap) but each time he thought he had sailed for his final time he has lost his loot but this time will be different he is armed with a map which he is keeping close to his chest, not even his best friend Hector knows what the map says. Will he find his treasure or will he once again leave with empty hands? find out in the Treasure of Treasures and join Captain John Gray on his adventures. Part 1 is the first of a trilogy and is Titled "Ye Black Rock" which starts in Liverpool and ends on the island of Tortuga.
  • Paperback: 104 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (21 Sep 2012)
  • ISBN-10: 1479362735
  • ISBN-13: 978-1479362738
  • Product Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.6 cm

  • To Purchase the book from Amazon please click here http://www.amazon.co.uk/Treasure-Treasures-Black-Hector-Hornsmith/dp/1479362735/ref=la_B008D4XQY2_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1355234781&sr=1-8#_

    Retailers can purchase the book from here


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